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#InsideMyWardrobe podcast

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#InsideMyWardrobe podcast

Posted:25 Jun 2020

I loved chatting with my brilliant friend Pipa Gordon on her fabulous #InsideMyWardrobe podcast. 

There was no mention of fashion — but lots on grief, pronatalism and The Great Recession*.

Three things:

  1. The pod is nowhere near as heavy as my words above imply
  2. I’m high-pitched and hyper. Can only imagine I’d fallen victim to an ‘accidental caffeine’ spike
  3. Please get your mind out of the gutter when you read the episode description


*© Daniel Ruiz Tizon


Dear Mariella

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Dear Mariella...

Posted:31 Jan 2020

Link: The full letter & response on

Dear Mariella

Why won’t you let your childless reader grieve? 

I’m 53, Mariella, and would say I’m pretty unshockable. But your column on Sunday – dismissing a grieving woman’s agony as a midlife crisis – drove me close to the Sertraline edge. 

‘It sounds like a midlife crisis, so visit your GP and focus on what you’ve achieved — not what you haven’t’… And pick up some Diazepam whilst you’re there — for the childless not by choice women and men who are reading this and can’t quite believe the level of #AsAMother those words have hit.

Seriously? You’re seriously so entitled – what, the parents’ monopoly on exhaustion isn’t enough? – you can’t even recognise or acknowledge or allow a childless person’s grief?

This line: ‘Instead of rueing your misfortune, write a list of all the amazing things you can do now you’re mature and solvent’… Do you know how this line reads to me? Do you want to feel how I feel when I read it? Well, Mariella, imagine one of your beloved children had died. And I wrote you this: ‘Instead of rueing your misfortune, write a list of all the amazing things you can do now X has gone. How you could spend the money you would’ve spent on his university fees, perhaps. Or what you can do with his now-empty bedroom. And, Mari, look, no more annoying teen “Harry Enfield character” moments. Lol!’


Sick Of Saying This of Hove 

Jo Good’s Vlog

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Jo Good's Vlog

Posted:11 Jan 2020

A middle-aged bint can’t get a lil’ decaf without MiddleAgedMinx sticking a camera in her face. Thank God.

I was once again accosted by the glorious broadcasting legend Jo Good last week.

Our in-depth chat revealed neither of us know what oats are, I need to get a dog, and I didn’t have skin when I lived in London.

The BBC is lucky to have us.

For more of Jo’s brilliance – radio joy, London gems and Sussex moments – go visit

Sitting in for Allison Ferns

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Sitting in for Allison Ferns

Posted:04 Nov 2019

‪​So last week I sat in for the fabulous Allison Ferns on her brilliant Afternoon show on BBC Sussex and BBC Surrey.

I had such a great time: loved interviewing our guests — and really loved not breaking the BBC. (Was my first time driving the desk — and if I tell you it took me two years and five tests to pass my actual driving test – and I’ve never driven a car since – you’ll understand the sweating.)

The shows are here if you fancy a listen. I don’t think you can hear my heart pounding. #KeepListening

Glass Door Sleep Out 2019

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Glass Door's Sleep Out 2019

Posted:21 Sep 2019

‪I had the devastating and debilitating experience of being without a permanent base for almost 10 years. In that time I moved ‘home’ around 30 times (19 in the last two of those years) — once to a man I’d never met’s spare room. (He is now my beautiful friend.) I ‘sofa-surfed’ and I crashed. And not in the student way.

This hidden homelessness is humiliating and destroying. So God (doesn’t exist) knows what it’s like to actually be on the streets. My brain can’t even go there. 

The homeless are ignored, the homeless are stolen from, the homeless are beaten up, and the homeless are urinated on. That humans are treated like this is a sin. The homeless crisis is a sin. And, for me, to do nothing about it is a sin.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. A home. It’s the most basic need – and right. 

I’ll be taking part in Glass Door’s Sleep Out In The Square 2019. Please support me and Glass Door if you can. And please share. 

Thank you

Link for donations: